Fruity Ruby Black Tea 日月潭紅玉紅茶
Fruity Ruby Black Tea 日月潭紅玉紅茶
Fruity Ruby Black Tea 日月潭紅玉紅茶
Fruity Ruby Black Tea 日月潭紅玉紅茶
Fruity Ruby Black Tea 日月潭紅玉紅茶
Fruity Ruby Black Tea 日月潭紅玉紅茶
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Fruity Ruby Black Tea from Sun Moon Lake 日月潭紅玉紅茶

Made with only the finest fresh tip leaves. Immerse yourself in Sun Moon Lake's most famous tea with ripe fruit and cinnamon notes. Truly precious. Enjoyable both as cold brew tea or hot brewed.
$28.00 SGD
$0.00 SGD
(tax included)
Leaves or Teabag ( x 30)
Loose Leaves
Teabags ( x 30)
Only 0 left
Volume Pricing
$28.00 SGD each
Product Description
Ruby Black Tea | Fully fermented | Unroasted |Ripened fruits, cinnamon.
Disover the exquisite taste and aroma of Sun Moon Lake's Hongyu black tea, made from the finest fresh tip leaves and nourished solely by the abundant rainwater supply in Yuchi Township, Nantou. Developed by the Taiwan Agriculture Ministry, Taicha No. 18, also known as Red Jade, revolutionized the black tea industry in the region and has since become the most sought-after tea. Immerse yourself in the fragrance of Taiwan tea with every sip and discover the unparalleled ripe fruit and cinnamon notes that make this Ruby Black Tea truly precious.
Brewing recommendations
Hot brew: Steep 6g of tea leaves in 150ml hot water for 60seconds/ Steep teabag in 300ml of hot water for ~3-5minutes. 
Cold brew: Put tea in room temperature water, and sit in the fridge for 6-8h.
30 x 2g - teabags or
80g - tea leaves
Mountain Luck 

Taiwan is blessed with beautiful nature that was born of the mountains and the forests. Nature, like humans, has its way of showing its individuality - through the seasons, the produce, the terroir. Mountain Luck, through their curated selection of 100% pure tea leaves, aspires to bring a tea that appeals to everyone's inner individual so that they can truly appreciate the wonders of nature. 



日月潭 紅玉 全發酵 / 未焙火 / 熟果肉桂
日月潭位處南投魚池鄉。水源仰賴充沛雨水供應。1999年台灣茶業改良場完成台茶十八號的 改良,並名為紅玉,為日月潭紅茶產業的重要轉捩點。紅玉紅茶珍貴之處在於,需要有雨水 鍾情般的灌溉孕育才能轉化熟果香氣及甘醇口感,也難怪評鑑師將日月潭紅玉評為台灣香!


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