Shrimp Balls 鮮蝦摃丸 270g
Shrimp Balls 鮮蝦摃丸 270g
Shrimp Balls 鮮蝦摃丸 270g
Shrimp Balls 鮮蝦摃丸 270g
Shrimp Balls 鮮蝦摃丸 270g
Shrimp Balls 鮮蝦摃丸 270g
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Classic Fresh Shrimp Balls 鮮蝦摃丸

Classic Fresh Shrimp Balls offer the purest shrimp flavour, made with high-quality fresh shrimp. Crafted with unique techniques, these shrimp balls have a bouncy texture and natural sweetness from the ocean. Perfect for hot pot, soup, or on their own, they deliver a satisfying seafood experience in every bite.
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$16.80 SGD
$18.80 SGD
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Only 38 left
Volume Pricing
$16.80 SGD each

Product Description

🍤 Classic Fresh Shrimp Balls: Pure Shrimp Flavor, Classic Deliciousness 🍤

Each bite of our Classic Fresh Shrimp Balls delivers a rich, fresh shrimp flavour—this is the purest interpretation of shrimp, allowing you to experience the sweetness of the ocean. Made with fresh shrimp meat and crafted with unique techniques, every ball preserves the most natural and delicious flavor, with a bouncy texture that makes it a must-try for seafood lovers.

Our shrimp balls use only high-quality ingredients, ensuring fresh, natural materials to bring you the freshest taste in every bite. Whether paired with soup, hot pot, or enjoyed on their own, this dish is guaranteed to satisfy seafood cravings.

🌟 Product Highlights 🌟

  • All-Natural & Additive-Free: No artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives, retaining the natural flavour of the ingredients for a healthy, guilt-free experience.
  • Bouncy Texture: The meticulous crafting process ensures a firm, bouncy texture, offering a layered taste that will keep you coming back for more.
  • Versatile Delight: Perfect for hot pot, soup, stir-fries, or simply enjoyed on its own, it adds a delightful ocean flavour to any meal.

🥘 Recommended Cooking Methods

  • Fresh Shrimp Hot Pot: Add the shrimp balls to your hot pot for a broth bursting with fresh, savoury flavours, making each bite irresistible.
  • Shrimp Ball Soup: Drop the fresh shrimp balls into clear or rich broth to experience the perfect blend of shrimp sweetness and soup base.
  • Crispy Fried Shrimp Balls: Simply fry until golden brown, with a crispy exterior and tender inside—perfect as a snack or appetizer.
  • Shrimp Ball Fried Rice: Pair the shrimp balls with fried rice to enhance the dish with a savoury seafood twist, turning your everyday meal into something extraordinary.

🌟 Order Now and Enjoy the Classic Seafood Flavour! 🌟

Whether for daily meals or special gatherings, Classic Fresh Shrimp Balls will become an essential, delectable addition to your dining table. Come and taste this classic dish that will keep you coming back for more! 🍤

Ingredients:Shrimp, fish paste, pork back fat (Taiwan), potato starch, sugar, salt, celery, chili, mirin (fructose, water, glutinous rice, rice malt, salt), sesame oil (soybean oil, white sesame oil), stabilizers (sodium pyrophosphate, potassium metaphosphate, sodium polyphosphate).
※ This product contains shrimp, fish, eggs, sesame, and their derivatives. Not suitable for individuals with allergies to these ingredients.

Contents: 270g

Origins: Taiwan.

Storage: frozen


🍤 經典鮮蝦摃丸:純粹蝦味,經典美味 🍤



🌟 商品特色 🌟

  1. 天然無添加:不含人工色素、香料或防腐劑,保留食材的天然風味,健康無負擔。
  2. 彈牙口感:製作過程中的細緻工藝,使蝦丸的口感彈牙,吃起來有層次感,令人一試成主顧。
  3. 百搭佳品:無論是火鍋、湯品、炒菜,還是直接食用,都能輕鬆駕馭,讓每餐更具海味。

🥘 推薦料理方式

  • 鮮蝦火鍋:將蝦丸加入火鍋中,湯底更添鮮美滋味,讓每一口都回味無窮。
  • 蝦丸湯品:將鮮蝦摃丸放入清湯或濃湯中,品味蝦丸的鮮甜與湯頭的完美融合。
  • 酥炸蝦丸:簡單油炸至金黃,外酥內嫩,無論作為零食還是開胃菜,都是人氣之選。
  • 蝦丸炒飯:將蝦丸與炒飯搭配,提升飯菜的鮮香味道,成為家常美味的一部分。

🌟 立即選購,享受海鮮鮮美的經典味道! 🌟

無論是日常家庭餐,還是聚會宴客,經典鮮蝦摃丸都將成為您餐桌上不可或缺的美味選擇。快來品嚐這款讓您一試成主顧的經典佳餚! 🍤

成分:蝦仁、魚漿、豬背脂(台灣)、馬鈴薯澱粉、糖、鹽、芹菜、辣椒、味醂(果糖、水、糯米、米麴、鹽)、香油(大豆油、白芝麻油)、結著劑(焦磷酸鈉、偏磷酸鉀、多磷酸鈉) ※本產品含有蝦類、魚類、蛋類、芝麻及其製品,不適合其過敏體質者食用 

