Product Description
Completely Sugar-free, this vinegar is a invigorating drink for everyone old and young. Especially good after a heavy meal to aid digestion.
Roselle, Naturally farmed brown rice
Tang Po Fruit Vinegar
Every drop of vinegar is a gem, made possible only with time A loving couple, Uncle Lai an artist, and his wife Tang Po a microbiologist, has been making vinegar for more than 20 years. The love and energy they put into making their vinegar is almost as if the vinegar is their children! The Tangs only look for the very best to make the vinegar. They use mountain spring water combined with "secondary fermentation" to brew the vinegar. Only the best fruits gown naturally, make it into their brew. Tang Po armed with knowledge in microbiology, knows that by using this method of fermentation, the brown rice and fruits are broken down into smaller molecules so that their nutrients are better absorbed by the body. Completely Sugar-free, this vinegar is a invigorating drink for everyone old and young.
唐婆醋 一缸缸的「唐婆醋」,是藝術、人文、科技的結晶。唐婆以其微生物遺傳工程學碩士的專業知識背景,在遠離塵囂的頭份鄉間自然環境中,培養照顧醋酸菌,並運用「二次發酵」技術釀醋,歷經長時間的熟成。因為是抱持做給家人喝的心情,所以均使用優質無毒的天然食材,完全無糖、無任何添加物。是百分百全手工產製、純天然釀造的健康飲品。我們希望唐婆醋可以提昇人們生活品味,並且喝了身心健康愉悅,幸福滿溢。